Tenka Best is 20 years old and we want to share with all of you our trajectory, our evolution, the milestones we have reached and have led us to excellence in the manufacture of products for air freshening, protection and disinfection. Throughout these two decades, we have worked to produce innovative and respectful solutions, and we have expanded to different countries with our products. The fruit of our effort and dedication has allowed us to consolidate a base of national and international customers, who trust our products, and with whom we have long term ties and agreements.

In this article, we want to show you how this professional journey has been and how Tenka Best has positioned itself as a benchmark in the manufacture of products for air freshening, cleaning, insecticides and repellents that are sustainable and safe for people and the environment.

2004: The Tenka Best Constitution

In 2004, we were born with the vision of offering quality air freshening products, natural insecticides and cleaning and disinfection solutions. From the beginning, our commitment has been to sustainability and innovation, values that have guided us every step of the way in the manufacturing of our products.

2006: Adapting to and Overcoming Challenges with the P.D.B. Ban

The year 2006 marked a significant challenge for the industry with the banning of P.D.B., the main ingredient in mothproofing products. While 98% of the manufacturers disappeared, Tenka Best quickly adapted by introducing a new solution developed on the basis of a new, much more sustainable and safer asset. This innovation allowed us to grow considerably and led us to sign manufacturing agreements with the leading mothproofing brand at the time.

2009: Innovation and Expansion

In 2009, we turned the market on its head with the launch of a new
new technology
technology that replaced the old moth balls. We transform a product with a strong and unpleasant odor into a solution that pleasantly ambiences drawers and closets. In 2009 we also opened a new factory in Aiguafreda and started manufacturing private labels, extending our presence in France.

2011: New Frontiers in Ambient

Our capacity for innovation continued in 2011 with the development of air freshening technology using
. These products combine essential oils and active ingredients in an alcohol-free liquid base, dosed through natural porous materials. This innovation resulted in less hazardous and more durable products, expanding our range and market.

2012: Growth and New Facilities

Continuous growth led us in 2012 to move to new facilities of 6,000 square meters in Aiguafreda. This move was crucial to support our expansion and improve our production capacity.

2014: International Expansion and Quality Certification

In 2014, we expanded our exports to Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In addition, we obtained ISO 9001 quality certification, reaffirming our commitment to excellence and quality in each of our products.

2019: Sustainable Innovation

After years of research, in 2019 we replaced the mothproofing active ingredient, Vaportrin, with Geraniol. This change is not only more respectful of the environment, people and animals, but also protects bees, a species in danger of extinction due to pesticides.

2020: Expansion to New Continents

We marked another important milestone by expanding our exports to Africa and Asia.

2021: Tenka Best Mexico

In 2021, we took a strategic step by creating the Tenka Best Mexico partnership, which allowed us to expand our operations and exports to Mexico and other Latin American countries. We also began exporting to Australia, demonstrating our growing global influence.

2022: European Quality Certification

The year 2022 brought us certification(IFS HPC), a recognition of our high production and quality standards. This milestone reinforced our reputation as a leader in the air freshening and protection sector.

2023: Expansion at Walmart Mexico

In 2023, we reached a significant milestone by entering Walmart Mexico with our products. This strategic alliance allowed us to reach an even wider audience and consolidate our presence in the Latin American market.

2024: Innovations and Sustainability

This June Tenka Best is 20 years old, and in our daily work we continue with the goal of excellence in the manufacture of air freshening and protection products. This year we have also started a new line of cleaning products with e-kaps smart capsules. This innovation not only improves cleaning efficiency, but also supports sustainability by reducing CO2 emissions and encouraging the reuse of plastic bottles. In addition, in other products, we have introduced single-layer recyclable bags and solid air fresheners for cabinets with more than 90% of materials of natural origin.

Tenka Best’s 20 years balance sheet and Vision

At Tenka Best, these 20 years have been a journey of growth, innovation and expansion. We are proud of each milestone achieved and grateful for the dedication of our employees and the loyalty of our customers. Our R&D Department, the factory, quality, logistics, maintenance and administration have been fundamental to our success.

Celebration: Tenka Best Turns 20!

On June 1st we celebrated our 20th anniversary at our facilities in Aiguafreda. Surrounded by our entire team and their families, we celebrated an open house, where each of our employees could share and show their families their job and tasks at Tenka Best. Afterwards, we met in the gardens of the company, where we could hear the balance of these 20 years and the thanks of Ramon Raich CEO of Tenka Best. Then, we enjoyed a unique moment, with the visualization of this exceptional video that the whole team recorded with great enthusiasm and as a celebration of this 20th anniversary.

To close the celebration we enjoyed a concert with live music and shared a meal with Mediterranean products of our land, closing the celebration with a cake for the 20th anniversary of Tenka Best.

Here you will find the summary of what was this celebration and open day at Tenka Best, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary:

After this celebration, we look to the future with determination and enthusiasm, committed to continue innovating and providing products of the highest quality. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Let’s look forward to many more years of success and growth together!