scented candles

After the warm and relaxing summer months, the return to routine can be a bit overwhelming, so at Tenka Best we offer an easy and economical option that will help us to restore balance, resume responsibilities and, above all, create an environment that favors peace and concentration in our daily lives.
We have developed a range of scented candles designed not only to scent your home, but also to provide you with a unique olfactory sensory experience that will help you face the new season with serenity.

The Importance of Scented Candles in your Space

Scented candles have been used for centuries to transform environments, for their ability to fill a room with a pleasant scent, and for the emotional and psychological benefits they can offer.
At Tenka Best, we have taken this tradition to a new level, combining the art of aromatherapy with a modern, sustainable approach.
Our candles are made with a carefully selected blend of flowers and plants that, when lit, release aromas that can help promote inner peace and improve concentration, key elements for a more bearable and productive return to routine.

Aromatherapy Wellness Aromatherapy Candle: Balance and Harmony in Every Breath

aroma therapy wellness scented candleOne of our star products is the Aromatherapy Wellness Aromatic Candle.
Esta vela está diseñada para impregnar tu hogar con un aroma natural y equilibrado, creado a partir de una delicada mezcla de té verde, bergamota, maderas y ámbar.
Estos ingredientes ofrecen un perfume cautivador, y tienen propiedades beneficiosas para tu bienestar.

Green tea is known for its calming and revitalizing effects, helping to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
Bergamot, on the other hand, is a citrus fruit that has traditionally been used to elevate mood and combat anxiety.
Woody and amber notes complete this combination, providing a warm and comforting base that fills the space with a sense of serenity and stability.

Our Aromatherapy Wellness Aromatherapy Candle is not only a perfect choice for those who are looking for a tool to improve their concentration and peace of mind, but it is also an ideal decorative accessory.
Its elegant design integrates easily into any type of decoration, becoming an element that not only aromatizes, but also beautifies your home.


Botanicals Scented Candle: A Touch of Nature in your Home

Botanicals Scented CandleAnother jewel in our collection is the Botanicals Scented Candle.
Esta vela es una celebración de la naturaleza en su forma más pura, elaborada con aceites esenciales naturales de Peonía y Limón del sur de China.
La peonía es una flor apreciada por su belleza, y su fragancia delicada y floral, que aporta una sensación de calma y serenidad al entorno.
Combinada con la frescura vibrante del limón, esta vela ofrece una fragancia única que equilibra notas dulces y cítricas, con un toque final de vainilla que aporta calidez y dulzura al conjunto.

The Botanicals Scented Candle is designed for those who wish to fill their home with a fresh and natural scent, perfect to revitalize the senses after a long day.
Like all our candles, it is made with vegetable wax and selected perfumes, which ensures a cleaner, healthier burn, free of toxins and chemicals.
This is not only better for your home, but also for the environment.

Why Choose Scented Candles from Tenka Best

At Tenka Best, we pride ourselves on offering effective, sustainable and environmentally friendly products.
Our scented candles are made with vegetable wax, a much cleaner and healthier option than traditional paraffin-based waxes.
In addition to being biodegradable, vegetable wax produces less soot and releases fewer toxins into the air, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a product that is safer for both their health and the environment.

In addition, all the scents we use in our candles are selected for their aromatic qualities and for the benefits they can offer to emotional and mental well-being.
The scented candle is a tool to improve the quality of life, and helps you to create spaces that promote relaxation, concentration and emotional balance.

How to Incorporate Scented Candles into your Daily Routine

Incorporating scented candles into your daily routine is an effective way to improve your well-being.
Therefore, here are some tips on how to carry out the lighting according to your emotional state:

  1. Beginning of the JourneyLight a candle like the Aromatherapy Wellness Aromatherapy Candle at the start of your day.
    The balanced aroma of green tea and bergamot will help you focus and start the day with a clear and calm mind.
  2. During the AfternoonAs the day progresses, the Botanicals Scented Botanicals Scented Candle can be your perfect ally.
    Its blend of peony and lemon will revitalize your senses and give you a refreshing boost, ideal for combating afternoon fatigue.

At Tenka Best, we have developed scented candles with the objective of offering you a quality product, with a sensory experience that helps you improve your daily well-being.
Whether you choose the
Aromatherapy Wellness Aromatherapy Candle or the Botanicals Scented CandleWith the Aromatherapy Wellness Scented Candle, you will be adding to your home a piece that has been created with special attention and using natural and sustainable ingredients, to offer you the best of nature in each lighting.

If you want to offer these scented and perfumed candles on the shelves of your supermarket or store, even under your brand, please do not hesitate to contact us. contact Tenka Best.
Discover the difference we can make for your customers to access all the benefits of aromatherapy and wellness with our scented candles.